This post is all about natural induction remedies to naturally induce labor in late pregnancy. Before trying any of these natural induction methods, make sure to check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you and your baby. These are methods I am personally comfortable trying based on discussions with my midwife and beginning around 37-38 weeks at the earliest.

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Luckily I have had a healthy and comfortable pregnancy so I am just implementing these natural induction remedies to prepare for my body for as quick and smooth of labor as possible! There are certainly more intense / controversial labor induction methods out there but thankfully I'm not to that point of desperation to go into labor yet haha!
1. Eat 3-6 dates per day
Eating dates late in pregnancy has been shown to help soften the cervix and shorten the first stage of labor. Depending on the size of dates, it's recommended to eat 3-6 per day. I like to snack on them plain, drink them in a smoothie, or fill them with peanut butter and dip them in chocolate. For my smoothie recipe I blend together dates, greek yogurt, half a frozen banana, peanut butter, cinnamon, water, and drink over ice.
2. Drink 3 cups of raspberry leaf tea per day
Red raspberry leaf tea is said to help strengthen the uterus, trigger contractions, and shorten the second stage of labor. This the the tea that I bought and I think it tastes better cold. I also like to add pineapple juice, which is supposed to have a similar effect as raspberry leaf tea.
3. Use ClaraDerm cooling mist
Many women swear that using this daily in late pregnancy helped prevent tearing during childbirth. ClaraDerm cooling mist is a blend of coconut oil and essential oils that moisturize the skin. Spray the cooling mist on the perineum area a few times a day. You can also use this after birth to help heal the area.

4. Bounce and roll on an exercise ball
This is the stability ball that I purchased but make sure to choose the size that is most appropriate for your height. Sitting on a birth ball can help ease pressure and relieve pain in the pelvic area, tailbone, and back. Bouncing on the ball can help pull the baby down into the pelvis and rolling the hips side to side and in circles can help open up the pelvic area to make room for the baby.
5. Walk / curb walk
Walking in general can help aid in a healthy pregnancy but curb walking requires stepping one foot on the curb and the other on the street so you are walking on a slight tilt. This is supposed to help the baby drop further into the pelvis. If you don't have a safe curb to walk on, you can step up and down with one foot on a stair or step stool. Just be careful when doing this as you may feel off balance while pregnant.
6. 'Spinning Babies' stretches and exercises
Spinning Babies is a childbirth class that teaches you the physiology of childbirth and positions that can help encourage the baby to engage in optimal positioning and ease discomfort during labor. I thought the class was very helpful and I would recommend signing up for the class locally or online! It's best if you can practice the stretches and exercises throughout your pregnancy, so the earlier you can take the class the better.
7. Nipple stimulation / pumping
Oxytoxin helps stimulate contractions, so nipple stimulation is sometimes recommended to help naturally induce labor. You can do this using a breast pump and/ or applying nipple butter. If you choose to pump and you get any colostrum or milk, you can refrigerate or freeze this to save for your baby. Some people recommend using a manual pump instead of an electric pump to prevent an oversupply of milk which can lead to engorged breasts.

8. Intimacy
There are a few reasons why sex is said to naturally induce labor. One convincing reason is that semen has as a similar effect on the cervix as the medication, Cytotec, which is commonly used in medical inductions to encourage softening and dilating of the cervix.
9. Foot massage
There are certain reflex points on the feet and ankles that are thought to help induce labor when pressure is applied. Acupressure may be more effective than a foot massage but who wouldn't love to get a pampered with a pedicure in their final weeks of pregnancy?
10. Meditate
Your mindset plays a vital role in how your body progresses through labor. If you have a mental block surrounding birth such as fear, stored negative emotions, etc. it can prevent you from naturally going into labor and can even stall your progress in dilation. I learned about this from reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and also heard stories from an experienced doula who explained situations where women broke through a mental barrier during birth and finally delivered their baby! In order to combat my own fear surrounding childbirth I took several classes throughout my pregnancy so I had an idea of what to expect. I also watched *positive* birth stories on YouTube and listened to the Christian Hypnobirthing app. In my last weeks of pregnancy I'm really trying to wrap up my final to-do's so I have time to mentally prepare for going into labor. I will be 40 weeks tomorrow and I plan to take a bath, relax, and pray for a safe and smooth birth experience!
Remember that no natural induction remedies will work if your baby and body aren't ready to go into labor yet. You also don't want to overwhelm yourself by doing too many of these remedies in one day. My midwife recommended trying 2 or 3 things a day. As mentioned above, make sure to discuss with your own provider before trying any of these natural induction remedies.
Thanks for reading!

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