This post is all about the first trimester must haves that will help you through the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

If you would have asked me during the first trimester how many kids I wanted I probably would have told you "one and done". Now that I'm well out of the first trimester I'm back to wanting 3-4 kids so I hope that gives you hope that it gets better! In this post I'm linking the products and resources that helped ease my first trimester anxieties and nausea as well as clothing, skincare, and products that just overall made the first trimester more comfortable.
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1st trimester pregnancy must haves
I wasn't expecting to experience so much anxiety during the first trimester of my pregnancy. If you don't know my story, you can read about our TTC journey here and then finding out I have low progesterone here. I think the combination of these things just caused me to worry during the first trimester. Here are a few resources that I recommend if you are also feeling nervous during the first trimester:
What to Expect App - one of the first things I did after finding out I was pregnant was download this app. It gives you updates week to week explaining what's happening with your baby and your body. My husband and I love watching the short videos together each week!
Is It Normal? The Pregnancy Podcast With Jessie Ware - This is fun to listen to each week of your pregnancy. The host is pregnant and asks experts in the field questions about pregnancy and her symptoms as well as questions from friends and listeners. I found it very reassuring and I love hearing their accents too!
Real Food For Pregnancy by Lily Nichols - I read this primarily to learn which foods would be best to nurture my growing baby as well as which foods to avoid. She also gives some helpful tips on how to deal with nausea and provides meal plans and recipes.
Pill organizers - I purchased these to help me keep track of whether I took my vitamins each day. Since I was feeling the most nauseous in the morning, I delayed taking my vitamins until later in the day but I would often forget if I took them or not. These weekly pill organizers were a life saver and I really like the colors too!
Ritual prenatal - I really like this prenatal vitamin because of the anti-nausea capsules and lemon flavor! I read the book It Starts With the Egg which helped me know what to look for in a prenatal vitamin. One of the reasons I chose this one is that it includes folate instead of folic acid.
Young Living Vitamin B - It's important to have labs completed and talk to your doctor about what vitamins and supplements you need based on your personal levels, but I decided to take extra vitamin B outside of my prenatal since most Americans are deficient. I like this one from Young Living because I actually feel a difference in my mood and energy levels after I take it.
Young Living Vitamin C - I would honestly have to refer back to the book It Starts With The Egg to remember why I felt it was important to take extra vitamin C but I believe this was recommended as a vitamin that could potentially help with infertility.
Young Living Vitamin D - Vitamin D helps with bone health and optimal immune function. Since sunlight helps produce vitamin D and I live in the midwest where there are long winters, I decided to take this in addition to my prenatal as well. I like the one from Young Living because it has a slight orange flavor and dissolves in your mouth.
Pink Stork Probiotic - In the very early days and weeks of pregnancy I was so bloated and uncomfortable. I was also experiencing painful cramps on the lower left side which I learned could be caused by constipation. I decided to start taking a probiotic and felt really comfortable taking this one from Pink Stork after researching the company. The probiotic really did help with my bloating and stomach pain and I also liked how small and easy it was to swallow.
Mamma Chia Drink Pouches - this was the only thing I could eat first thing in the morning when I was feeling nauseous! I liked that it was a little boost of nutrition to start my day.
Stanley 40 oz tumbler - during the first trimester I always had a metallic taste in my mouth and felt thirsty no matter how much water I would drink! The Stanley cup is worth all of the social media hype but I switched out the plastic straw for these glass straws.
Air purifier - pregnancy hormones really heighten your sense of smell which isn't very enjoyable. I thought everything smelled horrible, especially my dogs and house! Cleaning my house and getting my dogs professionally groomed didn't help, but getting air filters did! I like this one because it's affordable and does the job! Just make sure to vacuum the filter every couple of weeks.
Canopy humidifier - an annoying first trimester symptom was congestion. Although I had this humidifier prior to pregnancy it was definitely a must have during the first trimester! I keep it on my nightstand and fill it up with water before bed and notice I don't wake up with a dry throat or stuffy nose.
Breathe again essential oil roller - I also applied this over my sinuses before bed and thought this helped me sleep better when I felt congested.
True & Co bras - the first body change I noticed was sore and swollen boobs. These were the only bras that were comfortable and I still wear them all the time!
Stretchy shorts & pants - Even though it didn't look like my bump grew very much during the first trimester, I could definitely feel the changes happening. I didn't want anything tight on my belly so strechy pants were a must!
Nuuly clothing rental subscription - I didn't buy any maternity clothes during the first trimester but I rented jeans and other cute clothes in larger sizes. This clothing rental service is great for during pregnancy so you don't have to buy clothes that will only fit for a short time. They have really nice brands like Free People, Agolde, Anthropologie, etc. This link will give you $10 off your first month's subscription.
Heating pad - I used this almost daily during the first trimester when my progesterone injections were really painful. I like this one from amazon because it has velcro to keep it in place, has different heat settings, and a timer.
Skinny Confidential Ice Roller - an ice roller is great for inflammation in general but during pregnancy you get especially puffy! I used mine primarily to massage my progesterone injection sites but I also like to place it over my eyes in the morning and give myself a lymphatic drainage facial massage. This one truly is the queen of ice rollers!
Progessence Plus Essential Oil - this essential oil is a natural form of progesterone made from wild yams. I used this really consistently the cycle I got pregnant and I've continued to use it during the first trimester of my pregnancy to help increase my progesterone levels.
Sara Happ dream slip lip mask - one of my first trimester symptoms was extremely dry and chapped lips. I love that this one is made from natural ingredients and it really stays on your lips all night long so they are soft when you wake up in the morning! I even put this on again in the morning before I apply lipstick.
Dr. Bronner's peppermint chap stick - I bought this 6 pack to keep around my house in all different places because I was constantly applying chapstick during the first trimester! The peppermint smell / taste helped with my nausea but honestly sometimes when I use it now I'm reminded of feeling sick...
Earth Mama unscented lotion - I liked using this during the first trimester because it's made from all natural ingredients and was very moisturizing but honestly I probably won't purchase again once it's gone because even though it's unscented I don't like how it smells! I've been using the lavender lotion from Young Living and I like that much better now that I can handle scented body care products!
Osea Body Oil - I used this on my belly during the first trimester but actually ended up making my own diy belly oil with jojoba oil and essential oils once it was gone!
Ancient Minerals magnesium oil - one of my worst pregnancy symptoms is poor circulation in my legs and arms that causes pain and numbness. This magnesium spray really helps relieve the muscle pain but it's really itchy and sticky when you first apply it!

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