Today I turn 29 and tomorrow we are headed to NYC to ring in the last year of my twenties Eloise at the Plaza style (except it'll be more like Ciara at the Homewood Suites... lol). In this post I want to share 20 things I've learned so far in this decade of life!

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20 things I learned in my 20s
1. You will have the least amount of anxiety when you're focused on your faith.
2. Confident people lift others up & insecure people put others down.
3. Your face is a muscle - a lot of the wrinkles you're starting to notice can be smoothed out with face yoga, microneedling, good skincare products & frownies!
4. A good morning routine can truly change your life.
5. Work smarter not harder.
6. The best workout is one that you actually enjoy (pilates for life)
7. Quality over quantity - clothes & friends
8. Always question the norm & listen more than you speak
9. Nervous and excited are basically the same feeling, so trick your brain into thinking you're excited when you're actually nervous.

10. What you put in & on your body really matters. Don't underestimate natural remedies.
11. Always drink water when you get home from a night out & a smoothie is the best hangover cure.
12. A good spray tan is the ultimate confidence boost.
13. Don't worry so much about what people think of you. Everyone is too busy thinking about their own life to even think about what you're doing with yours.
14. Your intuition is your super power. Listen to your gut.
15. Don't skip breakfast.
16. Get a dog. Actually get two.
17. Try to find at least one positive in every negative situation.
18. Show up for your family & friends if you want them to show up for you.
19. If a guy wants to be with you he will make it really clear. If he's being confusing, leave him in the dust.
20. In the words of Taylor Swift, "karma is a god."

I can't believe this my last birthday of turning 20 something! This decade has been filled with the most fun memories but has also been really challenging at times - worrying if I'm making the right decisions, wondering why certain things are or aren't happening, and trying to figure out how I'm a full adult with a house and bills when I feel like I'm still 16? I hope this next year is filled with more fun adventures before I turn 30 but I plan to just keep working towards my goals & try to go with the flow of life. What's meant for me will come my way 😉 Thanks for reading 20 things I learned in my 20s!

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