This post is all about how to get out of a funk quickly.
For the past 2-3 months I have been in a total funk. I finally came out of it last week but I remember thinking "am I going to feel like this forever?" I couldn't pinpoint anything specific that was making me feel so "blah" but it was hard to get out of bed in the morning, I felt uninspired, and overall just not like myself. Now that I'm back to feeling happy and motivated I thought I would share the things that I think helped me get out of a funk. My hope is that by using these tips you can get out a funk more quickly than I did. I know I will be using my own advice the next time I'm feeling "off" again.

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How To Get Out Of a Funk Quickly
1. Limit the time on your phone
Scrolling on your phone, especially when you're feeling in a funk, is so addicting because it's an escape from reality. Try keeping your phone on the charger or in a separate room for a period of the day and notice how you feel. I'm sure you will be much more productive!
2. Create a morning routine
When you're feeling uninspired, it's easy to lay in bed until the last minute in the morning. Try planning out your morning the night before you go to bed. Keep a notepad in your night stand and time block your morning. For example:
7:00- 7:15 am brush teeth, skincare, put on workout clothes
7:15-7:30 am pilates workout on youtube
(find the one you're going to do the night before to save time)
7:30 -8:00 am coffee, breakfast & make to-do list
3. Read a fiction book
If you're feeling anxious, I personally think it helps to take the focus off of your own life and put it into a fiction book. I love anything from Colleen Hoover or Taylor Jenkins Reid and I cannot recommend a kindle enough! It has helped me read so much more often because it's so light and easy to carry around.
4. Stock your fridge with healthy snacks and plan your meals
They say that the gut is the second brain. When you're in a funk you're more likely to eat junk food because it's easy and convenient, but that's only going to make you feel worse. Order a grocery delivery of fruits, veggies, and whole foods. Plan a week of easy, nutritious home-cooked meals. Here are some ideas:
breakfast: yogurt, berries & toast
snack: hard boiled egg, cheese & crackers
lunch: chicken salad in a pita pocket, bell peppers & hummus
snack: cotton candy grapes & popcorn (I love boom chicka pop)
dinner: one pan meal with salmon, asparagus, and potatoes
dessert: homemade apple crisp with vanilla ice cream
5. Get outside
Listen to a motivating podcast and take a walk around the block!
6. Hang out with friends
When you're feeling off it's easy isolate yourself but doing something with friends can help you get out of a funk! Even just texting to catch up with a friend can help, just try to avoid anyone who's super gossipy because that will just make you feel worse.
7. Do a fun workout
If you haven't worked out for a while, this won't seem fun at first. I've tried tons of different at home workouts but my current favorite is anything from the Melissa Wood Health app because they're quick, low intensity, and effective. Her voice is also just so calming.
8. Journal or meditate
I haven't gotten into meditating yet but I know people swear by it. If you end up downloading the Melissa Wood Health app that I mentioned above, she has a few meditations on there too. I prefer to journal because it gets all of my thoughts out (even if it's just a to-do list) and it's fun to go back and read what you wrote. If you don't like keeping a paper trail of your thoughts, you can always tear it up and throw it away after you write it.
9. Pamper yourself
Shaving, washing your hair, and doing your nails can seriously do wonders.
10. Refresh your wardrobe
This one is more materialistic, but I feel like updating your clothing options can help you get out of a funk. Clean out your closet and get rid of the things that aren't bringing you joy anymore. Invest in a few, new comfortable pieces that you will make you enjoy getting ready for the day.
11. Clean your space
A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. Tidy up your house (even if it's just one room in your house) and turn on your essential oil diffuser. Pro tip: citrus oils such as orange and grapefruit can help improve your mood.
12. Plan a vacation
I saved this one for last because I know it's not always realistic to do this, but planning something to look forward to in the future can help you get out of a funk. I planned a trip to NYC for my birthday when I was feeling down and it was so fun creating a Pinterest board of all of the things I wanted to do, outfit ideas, and places to see.

I hope these ideas will help you get out of a funk quickly! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog!

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